Maria Paneta                      

© Maria Paneta


Sarotis began with the question, how could technology change the way we see and interact with the world around us? 

Researchers: Ava Aghakouchak, Maria Paneta
Supervisors: Ruairi Glynn, Vincent Hygh, Fiona Zisch

#wearable #tactile_feedback #softrobot

Sarotis Project explores answers to this question beyond the era of mobile phones, towards more intimate wearable technology futures, where advanced vision systems and other sensory technologies are connected directly to body through softer interfaces.

Sarotis delves into
intimate wearable technology futures,
where advanced vision systems and
other sensor technologies are connected
directly to body through softer interfaces.

Harper’s Bazaar
hosted a series of performances
for the 150th anniversary exhibition
at MoCA Shanghai
including Sarotis

Production: Hexagon Collective UK
Creation: Tong Zhao
Choreography: Anna Hermann
Film: Mitsuru Isshiki
Wearable: Sarotis
Dress: Xu Zhi
Installation design: Renxiang Li